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MICKEY ふんわりガーゼハンドタオル/MICKEY Gauze hand towel


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伊賀の京丸屋オリジナル「ディズニー」コレクション 今回のコレクションのためにオリジナルで描き起こされた忍者スタイルのミッキーマウスは、伊賀の京丸屋限定デザイン。 大阪南部に位置する泉州地域、特に泉佐野市は日本の2大タオル産地のひとつです。 ここで作られる泉州タオルは「後晒し」の製法で、吸水性が良く清潔で肌触りも良いのが特徴です。 生地・プリント・縫製すべての工程をプロの職人がこだわって作り上げています。 蛍光塗料は不使用で、敏感肌の方や赤ちゃんにも安心してお使いいただけるようやさしさプラス。 是非お試しください。 綿100% 日本製(大阪泉州) サイズ:約34cm×35cm Iga's Kyomaruya original "Disney" collection The ninja-style Mickey Mouse originally drawn for this collection is a design limited to Kyomaruya in Iga. The Senshu area located in the southern part of Osaka, especially Izumisano City, is one of the two major towel producing areas in Japan. The Senshu towel made here is a "post-bleaching" manufacturing method, and is characterized by its good water absorption, cleanliness, and softness. Professional craftsmen are particular about all the processes of fabric, printing and sewing. Fluorescent paint is not used, and it is a gentle plus that can be used safely by people with sensitive skin and babies. Please try it. 100% cotton Made in Japan (Osaka Senshu) Size: 34 cm x 35 cm <送料 > メ-ル便: 全国一律 180円 ※お届けまで数日かかります。 ※メール便は日曜・祝日の配達はありません。 <Shipping> EMS China / Korea / Taiwan ¥2500 Asia (excluding China, South Korea and Taiwan) ¥3500 Oceania, Canada, Mexico, Middle East, Europe ¥5000 United States (including overseas territories such as Guam) ¥6000 Latin America (excluding Mexico) / Africa ¥6000 <Return Or Exchange Policy> Purchases made on this online shopping website cannot be exchanged or returned. ※Guidance on tariffs If you purchase Japanese products from overseas, customs duty may be incurred. In that case, please note that any customs duties incurred will be borne by the purchaser.
